Our Family Matters 2024 Seminar Series is focusing on some often-overlooked single members of our church communities.
Peter Adam is known to many through his ministry in the United Kingdom, Australia and elsewhere. He is a former principal of Ridley Theological College in Melbourne and Vicar Emeritus of St. Jude’s Carlton. He is active as a mentor, lecturer and guest speaker. Peter has been single all his life.
Adam Ch’ng is the Senior Pastor of Cross & Crown: Melbourne. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and the TGCA Victoria Committee. Adam studied Arts and Laws at Monash University and theology at Ridley College. Prior to entering gospel ministry, he worked as a workplace relations lawyer and then as adviser to the Minister for Employment in the Abbott Government. Adam is single.
This event is designed to help churches better love, care for and honour single men in our churches. This means this event is for YOU, whether you are single or married, male or female
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We are prayerfully seeking financial partners committed to helping us enrich the global Church with biblically faithful, pastorally nourishing and Christ-glorifying resources about singleness.
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