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About Us

To see God’s purposes for singleness so wonderfully expressed in the body of Christ, that married and single Christians glorify Jesus with one voice. 

Our Vision

To develop biblical, theological and pastoral resources exploring God’s purposes for singleness that equip Christians, encourage Christian communities, and shape Christian culture.

Our Mission

We hold to the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Click to read our full statement of faith and learn about beliefs on marriage, singleness and sex.

Our Beliefs

Our Values

We rejoice in all that God has done for us in Christ and seek to respond in prayerful gratitude.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this God’s will for you in Christ Jesus – 1 Thess 5:16-18

We seek to humble ourselves before God so that we might ever increase in our knowledge of him and his purposes, as revealed in his Word.

He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way – Psalm 25:9

We aim to emulate Christ’s abounding compassion and sacrificial love for all.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience – Colossians 3:12

We commit to being faithful stewards of all the gifts and responsibilities God has entrusted to us.

Now it is required that those who have given a trust must prove faithful. – 1 Cor 4:2

We delight in God’s establishment of the local church as the foundational place of belonging and service for all Christians.

Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it – 1 Corinthians 12:27

Our Team

Dani Treweek

Executive Director

Dani is the founding director of Single Minded. After graduating from Moore Theological College and serving in women’s ministry at a church in Sydney, Dani completed a PhD focusing on a theology of singleness. 

She also works part-time as the Sydney Anglican Diocesan Research Officer and spends the rest of her time writing, reading, speaking and training on singleness, sexuality, church community and more. She loves the musical Les Miserables, a good cup of chai and making her nephew and niece laugh. 


Emma Moxham

Communications Specialist

Emma is the brains behind all our communication and marketing—from social media to newsletters, storytelling, and big-picture strategy, and much more!

Emma joins us through her role at Crossbeam Communications. With a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing & HR) from the University of Wollongong, she enjoys using her skills to help Christian ministries (like Single Minded!) cut through the noise of this world with clarity and grace. When she’s not working, she’s likely chasing the perfect cup of coffee, strolling with her dog Selah, getting lost in a good book, or convincing her husband that every road trip down the south coast of NSW is absolutely necessary.

Rebecca Yap

Administrator Extraordinaire!

Rebecca is our part-time administrator.  She’s the one who reads and responds to your emails and makes all the magic happen behind the scenes. In other words, Rebecca is the engine room of Single Minded!

Rebecca join our team as one of the admin asssitants with Virtual Church Assist (a fantastic group that provides administrative support specific to church and ministry organisations).  She has  10+ years experience working in church admin roles and also serves the communications and publications coordinator at an Anglican church in Sydney’s Hills District. When she’s not working, she loves spending time with her family, drinking good coffee and relaxing at the beach.

Our Committee

Dani Treweek

Committee Chair

Dani is the founding director of Single Minded. After graduating from Moore Theological College and serving in women’s ministry at a church in Sydney, Dani completed a PhD focusing on a theology of singleness. 

She also works part-time as the Sydney Anglican Diocesan Research Officer and spends the rest of her time writing, reading, speaking and training on singleness, sexuality, church community and more. She loves the musical Les Miserables, a good cup of chai and making her nephew and niece laugh. 

Nigel Fortescue​

Committee Deputy Chair​

Nigel Fortescue

Deputy Chair

Nigel is the Senior Minister of Christ Church St Ives and serves as the Deputy Chair of Single Minded.

He’s passionate about helping Christian people understand singleness and enabling churches to thoughtfully love and care for their single members. Nigel is married to Nicky and he has four adult children, a dog, a cat and a passion for gardening, reading and running.

Penny Wolf

Committee Secretary

Penny Wolf


Penny enjoyed a lucrative career as a marketing executive but left it behind to devote her energies to serving Jesus.

Penny is married with adult children and lives in the Southern Highlands with her husband and two naughty kitties. Penny embraces all things 1950s and enjoys baking, knitting, crocheting and sewing.

Peter Hicks

Committee Treasurer

Peter Hicks


More info about Peter coming soon.

Assumpta Venkatachalam

Committee Member

Assumpta Venkatachalam

Committee Member

Assumpta is a passionate advocate for honouring and upholding singleness in the church family. 

She finds an easy and spontaneous happiness in God’s creation, and creating things herself (she has many varieties of homemade kombucha). Assumpta dotes on her niece and nephew, Vera and Ajay, loves trying unusual things, and going on spur-of-the-moment road trips.

Simon Shead

Committee Member

Simon Shead

Committee Member

Simon loves music, adrenaline activities, coffee catchups, building community and investing deeply in people.

Si (as his friends call him) is keen to serve the Lord Jesus as a single man, and desires that all Christians, whether single or married, support each other in the service of God’s kingdom. He is currently finishing a degree in Social Work and intends to move into the field next year.