That marriage and singleness are life situations to be regarded with equal theological significance and distinctive theological purpose. Married and single Christians alike are called to devote themselves to the work of God’s kingdom.
That churches are called to welcome, be compassionate towards, love, build up and encourage all members of Christ’s body be they married, never-married, divorced or widowed.
That, in this creation, God has blessed humanity with the gift of marriage. He intends for it to be entered into by one man and one woman for life (Gen 2:21-22, Mt 19:5) and so to act as a foreshadow of the heavenly marriage between Christ and the Church (Eph 5:31-32; Rev 21:2).
That marriage and parenthood are to be honoured and celebrated by Christians as God-given goods and opportunities to love and serve. Yet they are not as the highest moral call or duty of the Christian life (1 Cor 7:8).
That Jesus taught human marriage to be a blessing intended for this world only, and proclaimed that it will not continue into the next (Mt 22:30).
That singleness too is a God-given good and opportunity to love and serve. It is also to be honoured and celebrated by Christians (Mt 19:12; 1 Cor 7:8, 38).
That God designed sex to belong within and exclusively serve monogamous, lifelong and heterosexual marriage.
That outside of marriage, God calls all Christians to honour both him and other people by fleeing sexual immorality and embracing sexual holiness through abstinence. This is not a denial or suppression of the single person’s sexual nature, but rather its godly and honourable expression.
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