Hey single Christian. Your singleness is uniquely meaningful.

By Dani Treweek

Hey single Christian. Your celibacy is uniquely meaningful | Dani Treweek

When we last chatted I reminded you of just how very ordinary us single, celibate Christians really are. (If you missed that little discussion, stop, click this link, read, and then return here.) If it left you feeling a bit, well… average, #sorrynotsorry. I mean, that was kind of the intention after all! But don’t worry, because here comes the good news.

If you are a single (including single again) Christian who is committed to honouring God’s purposes for your sexuality by actively expressing it through celibacy (for as long as you are single) then, sure, your life might be very ordinary. But it is also uniquely meaningful.

While our celibate lives may not be any more exceptional or extraordinary than our friends’ married lives, there is something distinctive about our celibacy. Something unique. Something wonderful.

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