Hey, single Christian. Your celibacy isn't extraordinary.

By Dani Treweek

Hey, single Christian. Your celibacy isn’t extraordinary | Dani Treweek

So here’s the thing. Single Christian, your celibacy is totally ordinary. Yep. You heard me. We are utterly unexceptional. Unremarkable even.

Of course, our celibacy is also uniquely meaningful. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves shall we? We’ll get to that in the next post in this series. (Pssst. I’m watching you! Don’t skip ahead!) For now though let’s just focus on how very, very not extraordinary you (and I) are.

Not so long ago the concept of “celibacy” predominantly conjured up dark hallways winding through shadowy monasteries in remote places. It spoke of dark-robed priests and grey-garbed nuns whose enigmatic alienness was somehow both alluring and disconcerting. It brought to mind either a starkly ascetic and commendably humble existence, or alternatively (and horrifically) a façade used to cover up some of the worst evil imaginable.

Whatever it was, “celibacy” was most definitely not cool. Until, suddenly, it was.

Today the word increasingly conjures up images of soy lattes and farm to table cafes. It speaks readily of energetic millennials in skinny jeans whose enigmatic twitter profiles are somehow both perplexing (especially to those of us of an *ahem* older generation) and appealing. It brings to mind a wonderful appreciation for aesthetics, an enviable aptitude for social media, and an effervescent youthfulness.

Whatever it is, “celibacy” is most definitely now cool. Or at least it’s cooler than it was.

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