
By Dani Treweek

Life in the Family of God | Dani Treweek

Let me be very clear. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. It has enormous significance, enormous meaning, and enormous importance. Marriage is very, very good, and it is able to bear very, very good fruit. Most wonderfully, our marriages are meant to point us towards the eternal marriage between Christ and the Church. Marriage is so important. 

But marriage is not how we belong to the church. Marriage is not how we feel connected to others in the church. Marriage is not the way we enter into relationships in the church.

The Bible honours marriage, and it calls us to honour marriage. But when it comes to life in the family of God, do you know what male/female relationship it talks about over and over again? Do you know what male/female relationship Scripture puts at the very heart of life in the family of God?

It isn’t husband and wife.
It is brother and sister in Christ.

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