Upholding the Dignity of Singleness in the Church

Upholding the Dignity of Singleness in the Church | Matt Hodges

I recently preached a sermon on singleness and was shocked by the feedback I received. Several single brothers and sisters told me it was the first time they’d heard singleness addressed from the pulpit, at least in a way that wasn’t telling them how to date or find a spouse. One sister said it was the first time she felt as if her presence wasn’t just welcomed in a church, but wanted.

My heart sank a bit hearing that one. It made me realize how much I wish I had preached—and built into our ministry philosophy—the dignity of singleness from the earliest days of our church plant.

Too often in church culture, we’re inclined to idolize marriage and downplay singleness. But those who enjoy and steward the gift of singleness remind us that Jesus is enough, and nothing else can truly satisfy. We need this reminder.

Church planters, here are three convictions regarding singleness we should teach and implement in our churches.

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