I was reminded of an anecdote I heard recently. It was given by a faithful and thoughtful Christian pastor explaining the kind of aspiration he has for his marriage, and indeed for all Christian marriages.
He told the (real) story of an elderly married couple who visited a new doctor for the first time. The doctor was taking both their medical histories. The husband listed off his various ailments, medications and surgeries. When he said, “And then I had my appendix out”, his wife leaned over, tapped him on the knee and said, “I think that was me, dear”.
The anecdote was intended to picture the kind of “oneness” to which a husband and wife should aspire. It, too, painted a whimsical, lovely picture. This man and woman’s lives have become so intertwined that they forget what happened to who. This blending within marriage is not only something to be smiled at. It’s something to be aspired to.
But as I listened, I couldn’t help but wonder if that kind of oneness in marriage is actually what the Bible would have us pursue?
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