Loving Singles | Dani Treweek

This is an audio recording of Loving Singles by Dr Dani Treweek. It was recorded at the 2019 Single Minded Canberra conference
On Sitting Alone in Church | Dani Treweek

A few weeks ago, a podcast interviewer was asking me about some of the practical complexities and pastoral challenges that single Christians often face in churches today. When asked that question, I often mention that, for some single Christians, something as simple as where to sit in church can be deeply profound and deeply perplexing. […]
Life in the Family of God | Dani Treweek

Let me be very clear. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. It has enormous significance, enormous meaning, and enormous importance. Marriage is very, very good, and it is able to bear very, very good fruit. Most wonderfully, our marriages are meant to point us towards the eternal marriage between Christ and the Church. Marriage […]
Upholding the Dignity of Singleness in the Church | Matt Hodges

I recently preached a sermon on singleness and was shocked by the feedback I received. Several single brothers and sisters told me it was the first time they’d heard singleness addressed from the pulpit, at least in a way that wasn’t telling them how to date or find a spouse. One sister said it was […]
The Key to Companionship for Singles | John Lee

Most of the advice I’ve received as a single man has been about finding a spouse. Whether it’s exhortations to grow or encouragements to persevere, conversations are anchored to the anticipation of future marriage. Marriage is a beautiful, God-glorifying gift that should be encouraged and pursued by anyone who desires it. But future hopes of […]
When the Church Was a Family | Joseph H. Hellerman

Spiritual formation occurs primarily in the context of community. But as the modern cultural norm of what social scientists call “radical American individualism” extends itself, many Christians grow lax in their relational accountability to the church. Faith threatens to become an “I” not “us,” a “my God” not “our God” concern. When the Church Was […]
The Meaning of Singleness | Danielle Treweek

Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained vocation? Might singleness here and now give the church a glimpse of God’s heavenly promises? Dani Treweek offers biblical, historical, cultural, and theological reflections to retrieve a theology of singleness for the church today. Drawing upon both ancient and contemporary theologians, including Augustine, Ælfric […]
A Pastors’ Heart to Heart | Sam Allberry & Nigel Fortescue

Recorded on July 30, 2022 at our Being a Body Conference We live in a world which says our bodies exist for pleasure and self-expression, and that this must be pursued at all costs. But the Bible tells us that our bodies have been made for holiness and self-control, and that rejecting this comes at great […]
In Love with Love – Pop Culture & the Church | Kutter Callaway

Recorded in 2020. Kutter Callaway takes us on an exploration of pop culture’s obsession with romance and sex; help us to consider how the Christian church often adopts that same troubling vision; and challenge us to see how Scripture is able to form the family of God to be both a distinctively gospel-oriented and life-giving […]
Loving Singles in Word and Deed | Paul Dale & Dani Treweek

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this elective talk, Paul Dale and Dani Treweek consider what it looks like for church communities and their members to truly love single Christians in both word and deed. […]
Single Minded Stories #1 | Guest Panel

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Ministry Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this Single Minded stories panel discussion, three singles and one married pastor share their thoughts on singleness in the Christian life and community. This is part one of a […]
Single Minded Stories #2 | Guest Panel

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this Single Minded stories panel discussion, three singles and one married pastor share their thoughts on singleness in the Christian life and community. This is part two of a […]
Loneliness and Christian Community | Simon Flinders

Recorded in 2021. One of the great blessings of Christian life is the fellowship we have with one another. But even though we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ, sometimes we still feel lonely. This can be particularly true for single Christians. How can they faithfully navigate and respond to feelings of loneliness and […]