Avoiding the Either/Or Trap of Christian Singleness | Dani Treweek
I embarked on my PhD research into a Christian theology of singleness back at the beginning of 2016. If I was beginning my PhD studies now, in 2023, I’d be entering into a very different landscape. There have been so many changes to the Christian singleness conversation across the last five to six years in […]
Let’s Talk About the Gift (Part 1) | Dani Treweek
OK. Let’s talk about that gift. You know the one. But if we are going to talk about it, then let’s really talk about it. Let’s do the deep dive, ask the hard questions, and see where we land. Check out this excerpt from the Focus on the Family website: For the moment let’s focus our […]
The Single Issue | Al Hsu
Nearly half today’s adult population is unmarried. Most churches, however, emphasize marriage and family in a way that leaves many Christian singles feeling like second-class citizens. Although Jesus himself was single, the single state is often regarded as a problem in itself (rather than as having problems, as marriage does). By contrast, ‘The Single Issue’ […]
Esteeming Faithful Celibacy | Dani Treweek
Recorded in 2021. Is celibacy simply a life of cruel suppression? Or could it actually be a life of godly expression? The world, and even the church, tends to see a life without sex as being no life at all. Dani Treweek helps us understand why Christian celibacy is not just realistic but a vitally […]