On ‘Old Books’ and the Single Christian Life | Dani Treweek
C.S. Lewis once wrote that ‘every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes.’ Though written in the mid-twentieth century, Lewis’s words are no less true today. Like all of those before it, our age has its own outlook. We twenty-first century people […]
The Heavenly Significance of Singleness (and Marriage) | Dani Treweek
In his recent article, Does Singleness Show Heaven? author Matthew Capone argues there is no biblical warrant to conclude that singleness in this life witnesses to or anticipates the life to come. More than that, he concludes that earthly singleness is a “not good” reality whose only consistently unique comfort is found in the knowledge that it will […]
Singleness Lessons I Learned from the Early Church | Dani Treweek
Lately, Christians have cast their minds and social media musings back to the early church on the topics of singleness and sexuality. Much of the conversation centers on past spiritual practices of celibacy and claims about what early church leaders taught about singleness. Some suggest that early church leaders enthusiastically ‘tore down’ the centrality of marriage within […]