Adam’s Aloneness Wasn’t Just His Singlehood | Dani Treweek

As I watched the scene, I couldn’t help but be struck by the image of Adam by himself in the Garden of Eden. The words of Genesis 2:18 are very familiar to us today: “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone.’” Or at least, they are very familiar […]
The Key to Companionship for Singles | John Lee

Most of the advice I’ve received as a single man has been about finding a spouse. Whether it’s exhortations to grow or encouragements to persevere, conversations are anchored to the anticipation of future marriage. Marriage is a beautiful, God-glorifying gift that should be encouraged and pursued by anyone who desires it. But future hopes of […]
Finding God in My Loneliness | Lydia Brownback

Young or old, single or married, male or female—at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater? Looking at various aspects of […]
Friendship – Beyond the Superficial | Vaughan Roberts

Recorded in 2020. Right now the world is more connected than it ever has been before. So why do so many people report feeling lonelier than ever before? Whether you are married or single, join Vaughan as he takes us back to God’s word to think seriously about the good gift of friendship. Let’s consider how the gospel compels […]
Myths About Singleness | Sam Allberry

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this keynote talk, Sam Allberry explores four of the myths about singleness which he writes at more length about in his excellent book, 7 Myths About Singleness. Watch other […]
My Loneliness and My Self | Lauren Errington

Recorded in 2021. People are complex. This means our relationships with each other are too. We’re all trying to navigate the fine balance between our own—and each other’s—longings for togethernesss, and also our need for some individuality. How do we as people – single and otherwise – look to relationships to make ourselves feel more […]
Finding God in Our Loneliness Q&A | Lydia Brownback

Recorded in 2021. Young or old, single or married—at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater? Lydia Brownback (Author of ‘Finding […]
Finding God in Our Loneliness | Lydia Brownback

Recorded in 2021. Young or old, single or married—at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater? Lydia Brownback (Author of ‘Finding […]
Loneliness and Christian Community | Simon Flinders

Recorded in 2021. One of the great blessings of Christian life is the fellowship we have with one another. But even though we are surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ, sometimes we still feel lonely. This can be particularly true for single Christians. How can they faithfully navigate and respond to feelings of loneliness and […]
Speaking Louder than Loneliness | Mel Hanger

Recorded in 2021. For many single or single-again Christians, loneliness can be a regular companion and one that speaks into their lives in unique ways. Recognising, understanding and voicing our loneliness can be key to living well with that companion without being consumed by it. In this webinar, we consider why it’s important for single […]