The Body is for the Lord (Talk 2) | Sam Allberry

Recorded on 30 July 2022 as part of our Being a Body Conference.We live in a world which says our bodies exist for pleasure and self-expression, and that this must be pursued at all costs. But the Bible tells us that our bodies have been made for holiness and self-control, and that rejecting this comes […]
The Lord is for the Body (Talk 1) | Sam Allberry

Recorded on 30 July 2022 at our Being a Body Conference We live in a world which says our bodies exist for pleasure and self-expression, and that this must be pursued at all costs. But the Bible tells us that our bodies have been made for holiness and self-control, and that rejecting this comes at […]
Purity Culture, Then & Now | Rachel Joy Welcher

Recorded in 2022. What was (is?) purity culture? What legacy have we inherited from it? What is a biblical response to purity culture, both then & now? Rachel Joy Welcher, author of ‘Talking Back to Purity Culture’, helps us explore these questions and more This video resource is FREE to watch and stream for your […]
But…What’s Wrong with Marrying a Non-Christian? | Dani Treweek

Recorded in 2020. In a world (and a church) which so often idealises romance, sex, and marriage what are we to make of the Bible’s teaching about Jesus’ disciples not marrying a non-Christian? And does it really apply to us today? This video resource is FREE to watch and stream for your own personal use. We hope […]
Myths About Singleness | Sam Allberry

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this keynote talk, Sam Allberry explores four of the myths about singleness which he writes at more length about in his excellent book, 7 Myths About Singleness. Watch other […]
Rethinking Contentment | Chris Thomson

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this elective talk, Chris Thomson explores what the Bible has to teach about the nature of contentment in the Christian life, and singleness in particular. Watch other videos in […]
Singleness in the Storyline of Scripture | Sam Allberry

Recorded on September 22, 2018 at the first ever Single Minded Conference Watch where it all started back at the inaugural Single Minded conference in 2018! In this keynote talk, Sam Allberry traces the place and purpose of singleness through the full storyline of Scripture. Watch other videos in our First Ever Single Minded Conference series. […]
Grieving What Isn’t | Dr Jenny Brown

Recorded in 2023. How might single Christians genuinely mourn the unrealised potential of marriage (or remarriage) and children, while holding firm to the promises of God in Christ? How might married Christians walk alongside those singles who are grieving, all while pointing them to the certainty we have in Him? How do we grieve what […]
The Either/Or Trap of Christian Singleness | Dani Treweek

Recorded 2023 So much of the contemporary conversation about Christian singleness makes it an either/or matter. Either someone is single by choice or single by circumstance. Either they’ve intentionally set out to pursue singleness as a lifelong “calling” or their singleness is considered accidental. But is this a biblical framework? Does the Bible present singleness […]
Finding God in Our Loneliness | Lydia Brownback

Recorded in 2021. Young or old, single or married—at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater? Lydia Brownback (Author of ‘Finding […]
Rethinking Biblical Sexuality | Juli Slattery

Recorded in 2021. Why did God create us as sexual beings? What is our sexuality ultimately for? Dr Juli Slattery (author of Rethinking Sexuality) helps us think biblically about the big picture of our sexuality, and especially how God is using it for his eternal purposes. This video resource is FREE to watch and stream […]